Friday, April 18, 2008

When I grow up... 3.21.08

I was pretty sure, up until around the age of 10, I was going to be an astronaut. That dream died when I realized I would need to be a math and science genius to have a shot. I was decent at math and science...but nowhere near genius, hehe.

Through my teenage years, I alternated between wanting to be a journalist, writer or an actress. I only said journalist because I thought it sounded cool. I really did want to be a writer but long ago came to terms with the fact that I will never get past the "great idea" stage. The rest of it: the research, the actual writing, editing.....just way too much work. Actress? Well, to my way of thinking, life is nothing but one big act so I am definitely living that dream.

I would never have believed I would end up doing what I do....designing pageant dresses. It works for me though. It’s a combination of art, math and even a bit of science. AND best part, it’s totally ok to be a designer and be more than a little eccentric. It’s even sort of expected. Which is good...since I am...eccentric, that is.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Did you ever even come close to your childhood dreams?

How many times have your dreams changed?

What are you doing now?.

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