Friday, April 18, 2008

Things That Make Me Chuckle Every Time I Think of Them! 3.30.08

When I saw Dad fall off the roof..... ok, I had to stop and laugh for a full minute just typing that. I heard him yell and then I could see his legs kicking all the way down as the snow was flying all around.... You would have to know my Dad to appreciate the humor I see in this.

When I was walking through Walmart in front of the cash registers last Winter, in my four inch high clear plastic heels that had flickering lights in them....thinking I was all that....and I hit a slick spot and biffed it right in front of all the registers......

When my little sister put gum in the leg hair of one of my other sisters boyfriends...

Which reminds me of the time one of my friends was sleeping in science class and some of us put rubber cement in his armpit hair. About a week later I saw him raise his arm in class and I could see little hardened globs of rubber cement dangling from his armpit hair. I asked him why he hadn’t cut it out....he said he didn’t know how to get it out and he hadn’t thought of cutting it...

When my friend who was cooking at the Country Inn (now the Runaway) put a booger on the hamburger she was frying up for an ex-boyfriend who had cheated on her. ( I mean really, how stupid could he be to trust her to cook something for him and NOT put a booger on it?)

When Smai was trying to prove how high she could jump and tried to touch the ceiling and slipped on the floor and fell straight down on her back....ah, funny stuff.

I have so many more, but can’t think of them right now. Usually any kind of bodily pain or injury (of the temporary kind) that happens (preferably to someone else) makes me laugh. Although it’s still funny when it happens to me :)

What makes you chuckle?

What makes you smile just to think of it?

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