Friday, April 18, 2008

Free. Fun. Memorable 3.13.08

Been thinking about my grandfather again lately. Thinking about how much fun we had with him. Fun that was mostly free. Free fun...usually turns out to be the very best kind. The most remembered kind.

playing in the creek...

playing around in that old abandoned house and trying not to fall through the rotten upstairs floorboards....

messing with the chipmunks and gophers....

slingshot contests....

eating strawberries and carrots out of the garden...

sleeping in the hammock on the back porch then getting scared and coming inside...

finding leaches and trying to make them suck our blood....

fighting with my cousins...

making up with my cousins...

thinking we could make wine by crushing blackberries inside a coke bottle and letting it ferment...

toasting bread on top of the keroscene lantern and getting sick from it...

playing in the fire and NOT getting in trouble for it....

camping way, way WAY up Anderson Creek....

stopping at Hot Springs not for fun but to actually bathe, lol....

and all the stories at many stories Grandpa had....

I was thinking about this stuff when I let my kids jump off the roof into the snow this Winter. Hehe. That is something they will always remember..."the winter the snow was so deep that mom let us jump off the roof." I mentioned that to my Grandma the other day and she told me a story about when they would actually ride their sleds off the roof of their houses. Now THAT sounds like FUN! That would have been so do-able this year. Can't believe we didn't think of it.

Currently the kids have the staircase lined with two twin mattresses. It makes an amazing slide. It's impossible to slide down and not smile, lol. Last night Tate was "surfing" down it on a pillow. So Toad got the idea to get one of my mannequins and ride the mannequin down. I think my favorite was when Toad, Bubba and Luke got inside a tent and then rode down the mattresses inside the tent. Now that was funny.

What about you? What have you done that was free yet totally memorable?

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