Friday, April 18, 2008

Toad and Fatty Ran Away Yesterday 4.01.08

They told me they were going to walk to Nana’s house. Her house is 2 miles away down a back country dirt road in case you don’t know. I told them no way. Don’t even think about it. So they headed down the driveway. Usually when they pull something like this, they will go halfway down the driveway and then turn around and come back.

Luke and I were watching them out the window. We started yelling at them to turn around and come back. They didn’t even look back. Near the bottom of the driveway, they went behind some trees. I ran to the otherside of the house so that I could see them when they came out from behind the trees. Luke and I watched for several minutes but they never came out.

So I went and got in the truck and went down the driveway to find them. Somehow they had crouched down along the snowbank at the side of the road so we couldn’t see them and taken off down the road. I could barely see them at the bend in the road when I got down there. I drove down and made them get in. They were all flushed and excited from their little adventure.

Nothing dampened their enthusiasm, not even the fact that I told them they were grounded for a week. " Going on the road is extremely dangerous." I told them. Toads exact words were,"But aren’t you proud that we had the courage to do it?" Then Fatty said," Yeah! We were scared but we did it anyway!"

They are right. I do value courage. I am proud of them when they step beyond their boundaries which they do so well....But NOT in this case. They could have been ran over or stolen, or fell off the edge into the river....or ten million other things. So somehow, I need to teach them limits. Wish me good luck with that one. I will need it.

They are just now waking up this morning and I can see on their little faces that they have lots of plans for the day. They have no thoughts that they are still grounded. But my two little monsters angels are in for a big surprise....BIG SURPRISE!

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